If you’re using our website, you agree to these rules.
Here are some “do’s”:
- Only post images you own or have the explicit permission of the copyright owner to share in this context. Rights holders are known to target sites like ours and levy large fines on people who mistakenly publish copyrighted images. Be extremely careful.
- Follow the Platinum Rule – treat others as they would like to be treated.
- Respect others’ privacy. Our community discussion is partly public. Do not discuss private individuals here, and if you discuss a public individual, write about them with respect and integrity.
- Look after yourself. Don’t feel pressured to reply to anyone in a hurry, and don’t expect this of others.
- Use our contact form to tell us about anything which you think bends or breaks our rules.
Here are some “don’t’s”:
- Don’t post anything which is racist, homophobic, sexist or in any other way discriminatory – we are made up of people of all ethnicities, backgrounds, faiths/no-faith, abilities, sexualities, gender identities – please respect one another’s humanity.
- Don’t swear or use offensive language.
- Don’t make personal attacks, or harass or gaslight other users.
- Don’t tell people what to do or give ‘expert’ advice.
- Don’t promote commercial services here.
Our Community is moderated. From time to time, a moderator may close discussions if they get too heated, sometimes without explanation. And sometimes a moderator may need to remove posts. Their decision is always final.
People who break these rules repeatedly or severely may be removed from the Community, at the discretion of our moderators.