Shalom Requirements: well-being, justice, integration
Well-being and justice are important contemporary themes. How do they relate to shalom? How do they connect with Jesus? Is there a spiritual element included?
Jesus-Shalom is the communication sphere of Anvil Trust using the mediums of podcast, blog and live video conversations and discussions. It explores provocative biblical and contemporary issues from shalom perspectives, plus regular interviews with ‘Shalom Activists’ working in diverse roles.
Visit Jesus-ShalomAnvil Trust is the centrepoint and legal foundation of a movement whose purpose is to articulate, advocate and advance an understanding and activism based on a Jesus-centred all-inclusive vision of shalom, through Workshop learning, Peacemeal community and Jesus-Shalom podcasts.
Visit Anvil TrustWorkshop is the learning sphere of Anvil Trust. Creating safe yet brave spaces to explore a spirituality that inspires understanding, formation and activism from a Jesus-centred shalom. Value-focused, inclusive and empowering, it offers resources, courses and live video conversations.
Visit WorkshopPeacemeal is the community-building sphere of Anvil Trust. Inspired by the ‘table-fellowship’ of Jesus every meal can become a portal for nurturing relationship, developing community, spiritual encounter and radical social change. We are a catalyst to reveal and inspire radical table possibilities.
Visit PeacemealWell-being and justice are important contemporary themes. How do they relate to shalom? How do they connect with Jesus? Is there a spiritual element included?
At 0:45 Our conversation picks up with Matty’s reservations about the catholic church he was connected to. Although he felt an aesthetic resonance, he began
With this episode we begin a once-a-month conversation with someone on a “faith journey,” whether toward renovation (within the familiar Christian “household”) or toward reconstruction
In this episode Tim responds to Noel’s 1-3-4-6 “formula” for remembering essential elements or aspects of our shalom perspective. He begins (1:00) with an account
In part two of our conversation with Aglaia Barraclough, we turn to her work in restorative justice, prompted by her engagement in Workshop and reading
In my previous posts I’ve been working toward what I call a panoramic or cosmopolitan perspective on Christian faith, one that seriously engages and is
It might seem, from my previous posts, that my faith journey suggests an abandonment of biblical faith. Many in both the evangelical and Anabaptist faith
An invitation to a pilgrimage of inner reconciliation and communal discovery. Fellowship springs from a shared mission. Genuine community needs a ‘why?’ – a reason
A great podcast from Nomad interviewing Richard Rohr, which is really inspiring can be found on nomadpodcast.co.uk. Just released March 10th. Very thought provoking. I
The Atonement is a rich and complex subject for discussion amongst Christians, and for me it is an important part of my deconstructionist faith journey.
Each podcast episode and posting explores what Jesus-centered and world-embracing peace might look like in thought and life, conviction and practice, through personal, interpersonal, communal, political and ecological domains of life.
Our mode of exploration will be conversational. We welcome all questions and comments that come from—or are willing to enter into—a shared shalom ethos, one that is both curious and capacious, yet critical and courageous.
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